The online calculator below calculates the area of a rectangle, given coordinates of its vertices. In fact, the calculation is quite generic, so it can also calculate the area of parallelogram, square, rhombus, trapezoid, kite, etc., that is, the area of any convex quadrilateral.
A rectangle can be thought about in other ways: A square is a special case of a rectangle where all four sides are the same length. Adjust the rectangle above to create a square. It is also a special case of a parallelogram but with extra limitation that the angles are fixed at 90°. A rectangle is a 2D shape in geometry, having 4 sides and 4 corners. Its two sides meet at right angles. Thus, a rectangle has 4 angles, each measuring 90 ̊. The opposite sides of a rectangle have the same lengths and are parallel. A rectangle is a four-sided flat shape where every angle is a right angle (90°).

Rectangle definition is - a parallelogram all of whose angles are right angles; especially: one with adjacent sides of unequal length. Move and resize windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas. Download; Supports macOS 10.11+, Intel and Apple Silicon. Free and Open Source.
Enter the set of points into the calculator below - one point per line, with x and y coordinates separated by a semicolon. The calculator builds a convex hull, using Jarvis march, then calculates four sides of the hull and one diagonal between the hull's first and third points. Then the calculation is trivial. Here, for example, a quadrilateral is split by diagonal into two triangles, and the area of each triangle then calculated using the Heron formula.
The online calculator below calculates the area of a rectangle, given coordinates of its vertices. In fact, the calculation is quite generic, so it can also calculate the area of parallelogram, square, rhombus, trapezoid, kite, etc., that is, the area of any convex quadrilateral.
Enter the set of points into the calculator below - one point per line, with x and y coordinates separated by a semicolon. The calculator builds a convex hull, using Jarvis march, then calculates four sides of the hull and one diagonal between the hull's first and third points. Then the calculation is trivial. Here, for example, a quadrilateral is split by diagonal into two triangles, and the area of each triangle then calculated using the Heron formula.

Properties Of A Rectangle